Tag: Copper Beech Financial Group

Copper Beach’s Philosophy & Vision (Ep. 126)

Copper Beach’s Philosophy & Vision (Ep. 126)

Are you certain your family’s financial future is secure for generations to come? 

Understanding the true value of your wealth goes beyond numbers; it’s about creating a lasting legacy.

Today on The Truth About Wealth, John and Michael Parise revisit the foundation of Copper Beech Financial Group, explore the unique concept of a family CFO, and discuss strategies to effectively preserve and transfer wealth from the first to the third generation for 100-year families. 

Tune in and gain insights into their holistic approach, which incorporates financial planning, education, and maintaining family values to ensure long-term prosperity and unity.

John and Michael cover:

  • The evolution and vision behind Copper Beech Financial Group
  • The role and significance of a family CFO
  • Creating 100-year family plans and the importance of generational involvement
  • Using legacy videos to bridge value gaps between generations
  • And more!

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Hiring Leadership With Purpose Featuring Max Hansen (Ep. 125)

Hiring Leadership With Purpose Featuring Max Hansen (Ep. 125)

Do you need help to hire and retain top talent for your business?

In this episode, John and Michael Parise are joined by Max Hansen, CEO and co-founder of Y Scouts, the first-ever purpose-based leadership search firm. Together, they dive into the importance of hiring with purpose and discuss strategies for recruiting and retaining top talent to accelerate business growth and success. 

From aligning values to developing key leaders, they also share valuable insights on how businesses can unlock their full potential through strategic hiring practices.

Talking points include:

  • The concept of Hiring on Purpose and its impact on business success
  • Challenges faced by privately held companies in succession planning and talent retention
  • Strategies for developing a solid management team to increase company value
  • Balancing the need for outside talent with family involvement in closely held businesses
  • And more!


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About Our Guest: 

Max Hansen, co-founder and COO of Y Scouts dedicated the last two decades to providing the best hiring practices in leadership search and consulting. Max was fortunate that his first job after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Arizona in Business Administration was with the Fortune 50 Recruiting firm Allegis Group / Aerotek. This experience gave him a solid foundation for understanding best-in-class business systems and selection processes. 

In January of 2002, Max founded his first recruiting/search firm, Job Brokers, Inc. Together with his team, they went on to hire more than 30,000 people across a wide swath of industries including engineering, manufacturing, education, healthcare, distribution, mining, finance, technology, and apparel. They proudly grew their annual revenues to over $35 million and expanded into other divisions and brands. The most notable being Y Scouts in 2012.

Preparing Tax Strategies for the Upcoming Tax Provision Changes (Ep. 124)

Preparing Tax Strategies for the Upcoming Tax Provision Changes (Ep. 124)

How do the changing tax provisions impact your financial planning?

Today on The Truth About Wealth, John and Michael Parise discuss the implications of the expiring tax provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. They underscore the necessity of proactive tax planning and the importance of consulting with advisors to maximize benefits before these provisions lapse. 

Their conversation spans estate planning, business tax laws, individual tax brackets, and charitable planning, highlighting the urgency for families to strategize for their financial future in light of these changes.

Talking points include:

  • Expiring tax provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
  • The need for proactive tax planning
  • What tax provisions are expiring, and what provisions are permanent
  • Considerations in estate planning
  • Updates on business tax laws
  • Changes in individual income tax brackets
  • Strategies for charitable planning
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Increasing Tax Efficiency and Asset Protection Through MSOs with Doug Dickey (Ep. 123)

Increasing Tax Efficiency and Asset Protection Through MSOs with Doug Dickey (Ep. 123)

How can Management Services Organizations (MSOs) enhance tax efficiency and asset protection for businesses?

Today on The Truth About Wealth, John and Michael Parise welcome back Doug Dickey, CPA, CEPA, Manager, and Shareholder at DRDA, PLLC, for a conversation about the intricacies of management services organizations (MSOs). 

Doug provides a comprehensive explanation of MSOs, detailing their origins in asset protection and their evolution to include tax efficiency and increased purchasing power. He also emphasizes the importance of proper entity structuring to safeguard assets and avoid piercing the corporate veil. 

Key points include:

  • What are Management Services Organizations (MSOs)
  • The use of MSOs in tax efficiency and asset protection
  • IRS’s perspective on MSOs and creative ways clients can use MSOs for tax and cash flow advantages
  • Advantages of using a C corporation structure for real estate ownership
  • The importance of working with the right team
  • Estate planning concepts and transfer of wealth for multiple generations using C corporations
  • And more!


Connect with Doug Dickey: 

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Is a C Corporation Right for You? with Doug Dickey (Ep. 122)

Is a C Corporation Right for You? with Doug Dickey (Ep. 122)

Is becoming a C Corporation the best tax strategy for your business?

Today on The Truth About Wealth, John and Michael Parise speak with Doug Dickey, CPA, CEPA, Manager, and Shareholder at DRDA, PLLC, about the benefits and tax implications of using C corporations for business structures post Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. 

They explore the flat 21% tax rate for C corporations, the potential tax savings compared to flow-through entities, and strategies for managing double taxation on dividends. 

So, tune in as Doug highlights the importance of entity choice for asset protection, tax planning, and reinvestment opportunities, emphasizing the flexibility C corporations provide for businesses aiming to maximize after-tax profits and growth.

Talking points include:

  • What’s a C corporation
  • The use of C corporations after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
  • Tax implications and benefits of C corporations compared to other entities
  • Comparing the tax burden between C corporations and flow-through entities
  • The value of considering a C corporation structure for businesses with significant earnings
  • Tax efficiency and flexibility of C corporations for business growth and capital accumulation
  • And more!

Connect with Doug Dickey: 

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Case Study: How Upline Planning Helps Families Preserve Wealth Through Generations (Ep. 121)

Case Study: How Upline Planning Helps Families Preserve Wealth Through Generations (Ep. 121)

How can generational planning help secure your family’s wealth for the future?

Today on The Truth About Wealth, John and Michael Parise get together for a follow-up from the previous episode about upline generational planning.

This week, they explore two case studies: the first concerning a family business owner with asset protection needs due to the father’s illness and estate tax exposure, and the second involving a family’s desire to establish a philanthropic foundation.

The discussion covers the importance of estate planning documents, beneficiary designations, charitable trusts, and aligning philanthropic efforts with family values.

Talking points include:

  • Case studies related to estate planning and asset protection
  • The importance of involving multiple generations in the wealth planning process
  • How to minimize tax exposure and protect family assets
  • Charitable planning and the use of charitable remainder trusts
  • The value of educating families about planning strategies and potential impact on taxes and wealth preservation
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Upline Planning: What it is & Why You Need to Do it (Ep. 120)

Upline Planning: What it is & Why You Need to Do it (Ep. 120)

Why is generational planning crucial for protecting your family’s wealth?

Today, John and Michael Parise discuss upline planning with a focus on the importance of generational planning and asset protection. They highlight the potential conflicts within families during asset distribution and the value of trusts. 

John and Michael also explore a strategy to maximize income tax basis and estate planning objectives for families. They emphasize the need for open conversations between generations and the role of advisors in guiding families through complex issues.

Talking points include:

  • What upline planning is, and why it’s crucial for families
  • Potential conflicts within families when distributing assets
  • The value of trusts in asset distribution and protection
  • How to minimize estate tax exposure and protect assets from creditors by “generational skipping”
  • Strategies for approaching conversations with the older generation
  • How to maximize income tax basis and estate planning objectives for families
  • The importance of open and honest conversations between generations
  • Why you should be proactive with your advisor and discuss wealth preservation and protection
  • And more!

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Securing Your Family’s Future Wealth Q&A (Ep. 119)

Securing Your Family’s Future Wealth Q&A (Ep. 119)

How can you secure your family’s future wealth? 

In short, anticipate change, stay informed, and reach out to your advisor.

This week, John and Michael Parise elaborate with a discussion about the importance of proactive wealth management. They highlight the need for individuals to ask questions, educate themselves, and consult with their advisors to secure a better future. John and Michael also briefly talk about the potential benefits of alternative investments in the current market conditions. 

So, listen in as they emphasize the significance of tax efficiency, liquidity, and the need for individuals to focus on asset protection in estate planning.

John and Michael discuss:

  • Some of the concerns and questions they’ve recently received from clients regarding financial plans and estate tax laws
  • Client frustration with other advisors on their financial team not being proactive enough
  • Challenges within the advisor community and the need for awareness of options for high-net-worth individuals
  • Potential benefits of alternative investments such as gold, silver, and oil and gas in the current market
  • The need for diversification in investment portfolios due to current economic and geopolitical uncertainties
  • The importance of tax efficiency and exploring tax planning strategies
  • Some concerns about potential changes in tax laws and the need to focus on asset preservation
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Nurturing Wealth, Values, and an Entrepreneurial Mindset Across Generations (Ep. 118)

Nurturing Wealth, Values, and an Entrepreneurial Mindset Across Generations (Ep. 118)

As you transfer your hard-earned assets to your children and groom them to assume control of the family business, you likely want to imbue them with your core family values and an entrepreneurial mindset.

But how do you initiate an open dialogue? When is the best time to do it?

John and Michael Parise answer these questions and help you perpetuate your family’s wealth and values for generations to come. They shed light on eye-opening questions and conversations you should engage in with your children to equip them with the knowledge and entrepreneurial capability to advance your family’s legacy (and build their own).

John and Michael discuss:

  • The importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset from a young age
  • Inspiring stories of working with small businesses and private family enterprises
  • Opportunities and challenges in the current environment for new business owners
  • Copper Beech Financial Group’s approach to productive family meetings that assist in effective wealth transfer
  • What it takes to nurture confident future leaders
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Estate Planning For Younger Families with Chris Ruffino (Ep. 117)

Estate Planning For Younger Families with Chris Ruffino (Ep. 117)

Why is estate planning crucial for younger families?

Chris Ruffino joins Michael Parise to talk about estate planning and why it’s important not only for older generations but for younger families, too. Together, they go over topics such as guardianship, trusts, asset protection, privacy, and coordination of planning between generations. 

Michael and Chris discuss:

  • Why guardianship is the number one reason young families should have an estate plan
  • The benefits of utilizing trusts to protect assets for the next generation
  • How trusts can help families create wealth and distribute it
  • How trusts can help families keep things private and bypass probate
  • The concept of being “stuck in the middle” and the role of trusts when it comes to addressing the needs of the sandwich generation
  • And more!


Connect with Chris Ruffino:

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About Our Guest: 

Chris Ruffino brings over two decades of financial expertise and a personalized, holistic approach to financial planning. Chris values family, long-term client relationships, and educating clients for generational impact. Starting at Merrill Lynch in 2003, Chris honed his client-centric approach at Lockwood Advisors and Legg Mason, emphasizing aligned interests and disciplined investing. His insights promise valuable takeaways for anyone looking to improve their financial future.