Tag: Legacy

Estate Planning: Making The Backstage Process Easier (Ep. 114)

Estate Planning: Making The Backstage Process Easier (Ep. 114)

Do you have a plan for the backstage of generational wealth management? 

If you don’t, it’s never too early to start capturing the history and values of your family founders.

In this episode, John and Michael Parise discuss the importance of planning for the backstage of wealth management, particularly in the event of the passing of a family’s matriarch or patriarch. 

John and Michael also highlight the significance of documenting family business history, the evolving role of wealth advisors, and the challenges of teaching and learning a holistic approach to wealth management.

Throughout this conversation, you will learn:

  • The importance of planning for the backstage of wealth management
  • The lack of plans for financial affairs after the passing of a matriarch or patriarch
  • How creating videos to capture the history of family founders can help preserve their values
  • Why family business owners should document the history and values of the business for future generations
  • How to prepare for the future and the uncertainty of changing values
  • Why a mission statement, strategy, estate plan, and legacy letter are important to creating a family legacy
  • And more!


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