Month: September 2020

Episode 42 – Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust Planning in 2020

Episode 42 – Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust Planning in 2020

An intentionally defective grantor trust is an estate-planning tool used to freeze certain assets of an individual for estate-tax purposes. What makes 2020 the perfect time to take advantage of this type of trust?

In this episode, John and Michael Parise dive right into the benefits of intentionally defective grantor trusts and why the best time to take advantage of this plan is right now! 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What an intentionally defective grantor trust is and how it works
  • How to unravel these trusts
  • How it has benefited families
  • Why 2020 may be the perfect time to utilize this tool
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn more about intentionally defective grantor trusts!

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (865) 988 -8300 |  Episode 36 – Charitable Lead Annuity Trust


Episode 41 – Planning For Special Needs Adults – With Guest Mike Byrne

Episode 41 – Planning For Special Needs Adults – With Guest Mike Byrne

Special needs planning is critical for families in ensuring children and adults with special needs are protected.

In this episode, John and Michael Parise speak with Michael Byrne, a partner at Lighthouse Planning Consultants. Mike addresses many of the misconceptions surrounding families with a dependent adult with special needs, like SSI eligibility and ABLE accounts.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Key benefits that families rely on to care for children with special needs
  • Why it can be difficult for families with special needs dependents to receive advice 
  • Legal tools you can put in place to protect your adult child with special needs
  • The value of a special needs trust and how it helps families
  • What an ABLE account is and how it benefits families with adults with special needs
  • And more!

Tune in to learn about special needs planning, trusts, ABLE accounts and more that can help families!

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | Lighthouse Planning Consultants