Tag: Business Owners

Hiring Leadership With Purpose Featuring Max Hansen (Ep. 125)

Hiring Leadership With Purpose Featuring Max Hansen (Ep. 125)

Do you need help to hire and retain top talent for your business?

In this episode, John and Michael Parise are joined by Max Hansen, CEO and co-founder of Y Scouts, the first-ever purpose-based leadership search firm. Together, they dive into the importance of hiring with purpose and discuss strategies for recruiting and retaining top talent to accelerate business growth and success. 

From aligning values to developing key leaders, they also share valuable insights on how businesses can unlock their full potential through strategic hiring practices.

Talking points include:

  • The concept of Hiring on Purpose and its impact on business success
  • Challenges faced by privately held companies in succession planning and talent retention
  • Strategies for developing a solid management team to increase company value
  • Balancing the need for outside talent with family involvement in closely held businesses
  • And more!


Connect with Max Hansen:

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

About Our Guest: 

Max Hansen, co-founder and COO of Y Scouts dedicated the last two decades to providing the best hiring practices in leadership search and consulting. Max was fortunate that his first job after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree from Northern Arizona in Business Administration was with the Fortune 50 Recruiting firm Allegis Group / Aerotek. This experience gave him a solid foundation for understanding best-in-class business systems and selection processes. 

In January of 2002, Max founded his first recruiting/search firm, Job Brokers, Inc. Together with his team, they went on to hire more than 30,000 people across a wide swath of industries including engineering, manufacturing, education, healthcare, distribution, mining, finance, technology, and apparel. They proudly grew their annual revenues to over $35 million and expanded into other divisions and brands. The most notable being Y Scouts in 2012.

Nurturing Wealth, Values, and an Entrepreneurial Mindset Across Generations (Ep. 118)

Nurturing Wealth, Values, and an Entrepreneurial Mindset Across Generations (Ep. 118)

As you transfer your hard-earned assets to your children and groom them to assume control of the family business, you likely want to imbue them with your core family values and an entrepreneurial mindset.

But how do you initiate an open dialogue? When is the best time to do it?

John and Michael Parise answer these questions and help you perpetuate your family’s wealth and values for generations to come. They shed light on eye-opening questions and conversations you should engage in with your children to equip them with the knowledge and entrepreneurial capability to advance your family’s legacy (and build their own).

John and Michael discuss:

  • The importance of fostering an entrepreneurial mindset from a young age
  • Inspiring stories of working with small businesses and private family enterprises
  • Opportunities and challenges in the current environment for new business owners
  • Copper Beech Financial Group’s approach to productive family meetings that assist in effective wealth transfer
  • What it takes to nurture confident future leaders
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Estate Planning: Making The Backstage Process Easier (Ep. 114)

Estate Planning: Making The Backstage Process Easier (Ep. 114)

Do you have a plan for the backstage of generational wealth management? 

If you don’t, it’s never too early to start capturing the history and values of your family founders.

In this episode, John and Michael Parise discuss the importance of planning for the backstage of wealth management, particularly in the event of the passing of a family’s matriarch or patriarch. 

John and Michael also highlight the significance of documenting family business history, the evolving role of wealth advisors, and the challenges of teaching and learning a holistic approach to wealth management.

Throughout this conversation, you will learn:

  • The importance of planning for the backstage of wealth management
  • The lack of plans for financial affairs after the passing of a matriarch or patriarch
  • How creating videos to capture the history of family founders can help preserve their values
  • Why family business owners should document the history and values of the business for future generations
  • How to prepare for the future and the uncertainty of changing values
  • Why a mission statement, strategy, estate plan, and legacy letter are important to creating a family legacy
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Navigating Blended Families and Estate Taxes: A Case Study Discussion (Ep. 109)

Navigating Blended Families and Estate Taxes: A Case Study Discussion (Ep. 109)

Are you struggling with complex estate planning situations?

In this episode, John and Michael Parise uncover two case studies, one that worked and one that didn’t. 

Throughout the two case studies, Michael explains his role in the estate planning process and the challenges of working with a business owner with significant estate tax exposure. Adding to the conversation, John emphasizes the importance of balancing fairness and equality when dealing with multiple beneficiaries in estate planning.

John and Michael discuss:

  • The challenges of working with a business owner with significant estate tax exposure and a lack of liquidity to pay for it
  • Why it’s important to balance fairness and equality when dealing with multiple beneficiaries in estate planning
  • The different challenges that can arise when estate planning with business owners and beneficiaries across multiple generations
  • How their impact on families’ financial planning is compounded through generations
  • And more!

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

Helping Talent Find You with Chris Czarnik — Part 2 (Ep. 107)

Helping Talent Find You with Chris Czarnik — Part 2 (Ep. 107)

So you made your job posting findable and found your key talent…

How to ensure they stay with your company?

In this episode, Michael Parise and Chris Czarnik briefly recap part one of this two-part miniseries focused on making job postings more findable. This time, they are back to unveil tips and tricks around employee retention. 

Listen in and discover how to make sure the new talent you hire stays at your company, beginning with why workers leave companies and the value of training and mentorship. 

Chris discusses:

  • Reasons people leave organizations
  • Why growth is so important for driven employees
  • How incorporating problem-solving in mentorship programs can help remote workers grow professionally
  • How organizations can build a promotional track for new-hired employees
  • The benefits of knowing your employee’s personality type 
  • And more!


Connect with Chris Czarnik:

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

About Our Guest:

Chris Czarnik is an award-winning national career search expert with more than 12 years of job search training and motivational speaking experience. He created and refined the innovative approach to job search, known as The Human Search Engine® by working with thousands of job seekers over more than a decade. Chris is a leading adjunct career search instructor for the 5th largest research university in the nation, as well as many colleges and universities across the country. Chris’ process was introduced to the 113th United States Congress as a national job search and Workforce Development model. Chris currently works with Workforce Development centers across the nation to reform the way people find new jobs.

Helping Talent Find You with Chris Czarnik — Part 1 (Ep. 106)

Helping Talent Find You with Chris Czarnik — Part 1 (Ep. 106)

Do you ever wonder why it is so difficult to find experienced candidates?

In this episode, Michael Parise speaks with Chris Czarnik about why businesses are struggling to find recruitment in the current job market. Chris covers the impact of the experience and generational gap in the workforce while explaining how companies can find more talent by using techniques seen in marketing.

Chris discusses:

  • How he got into recruiting talent
  • Why businesses are having a difficult time recruiting new talent
  • The experience gap and reduced number of available workers in the younger generations
  • The difference between being unable and unwilling to work
  • How to find more prospective employees
  • And more!


Connect with Chris Czarnik:

Connect with John and Michael Parise:

About Our Guest:

Chris Czarnik is an award-winning national career search expert with more than 12 years of job search training and motivational speaking experience. He created and refined the innovative approach to job search, known as The Human Search Engine® by working with thousands of job seekers over more than a decade. Chris is a leading adjunct career search instructor for the 5th largest research university in the nation, as well as many colleges and universities across the country. Chris’ process was introduced to the 113th United States Congress as a national job search and Workforce Development model. Chris currently works with Workforce Development centers across the nation to reform the way people find new jobs.

Here’s How Copper Beech Helps Business Owners Plan For Generational Wealth (Ep. 102)

Here’s How Copper Beech Helps Business Owners Plan For Generational Wealth (Ep. 102)

Today’s topic is pertinent to business owners. If you’re grappling with unique financial challenges related to entrepreneurship and business ownership, this episode is for you.

This week, John and Michael Parise explore a case study about a client who owns a business. They provide a detailed walkthrough of their process from start to finish while detailing how they helped the client gain a generational wealth mindset by emphasizing education around how he thought about his finances.

John and Michael discuss:

  • The three key areas the client wanted to focus on and sought help from Copper Beech
  • Copper Beech’s approach to managing wealth for future generations (long-term instead of short-term planning)
  • Why family meetings were critical to the planning process
  • The recommendations their client’s family implemented and why
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael Parise:

63. Living A Healthy Lifestyle With Pilates With Amy Jordan, Part Two

63. Living A Healthy Lifestyle With Pilates With Amy Jordan, Part Two

The pandemic has been tough on us all. Amy Jordan returns to share her experience over the past year with cervical cancer, and how her healthy lifestyle ultimately got her through it.

In this episode, John and Michael Parise speak once again with Amy Jordan. Amy speaks more about the WundaBar experience, including details about their unique machine, the WundaFormer and how it works. Amy shares advice for people struggling to better themselves from a health and wellness standpoint.

Amy discusses:

  • How she dealt with cervical cancer
  • Advice for people looking to improve their health
  • How the WundaFormer machine came to be
  • What a two week challenge is like at WundaBar
  • And more!


Connect with John and Michael:

Connect With Amy Jordan:

About Our Guest:

A Pilates visionary, entrepreneur, inventor, and above all a proud mother of two, Amy Jordan’s guiding belief when it comes to wellness:  “You are perfect wherever you are today, and my goal is to empower you to have the best experience in your own skin!” That is precisely what happened when Amy began practicing Pilates in 2006 as she journeyed through a difficult time in her own life. Her workout soon became her passion, and she left her career as an Entertainment Marketing Executive to open her first high-energy Pilates studio in 2008.

62. Living A Healthy Lifestyle With Pilates With Amy Jordan, Part One

62. Living A Healthy Lifestyle With Pilates With Amy Jordan, Part One

Everything in your body is connected—you can’t exercise your body and eat poorly and expect top results.

In this episode, John and Michael are joined by Amy Jordan, creator and CEO of WundaBar Pilates. Amy shares her wealth of knowledge about Pilates, how she got into it, and who helped her realize her vision of WundaBar Pilates.

Amy discusses:

  • Why understanding how everything in your body is interconnected is important
  • Why you can’t work out and have a poor diet, and vice-versa
  • Her tips for clientele on how to live a healthy life, the 90% – 10% rule
  • How she made Pilates easily accessible during the pandemic
  • And more!

Connect with John and Micheal:

Connect With Amy Jordan:

About Our Guest:

A Pilates visionary, entrepreneur, inventor, and above all a proud mother of two, Amy Jordan’s guiding belief when it comes to wellness:  “You are perfect wherever you are today, and my goal is to empower you to have the best experience in your own skin!” That is precisely what happened when Amy began practicing Pilates in 2006 as she journeyed through a difficult time in her own life. Her workout soon became her passion, and she left her career as an Entertainment Marketing Executive to open her first high-energy Pilates studio in 2008.