Tag: Copper Beech Financial Group

Episode 49 – Creating and Building a 100-Year Family Vision – Part 1

Episode 49 – Creating and Building a 100-Year Family Vision – Part 1

There’s no greater satisfaction than knowing and seeing that the wealth you built is passing down through the generations correctly.

Would you agree?

In part one of this two-part mini-series, John and Michael Parise explain everything you need to know about correctly handling multigenerational wealth. They highlight the importance of being aligned on the family financial strategy, no matter what generation you are.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • John’s take on what the “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” proverb means
  • How generations one, two, and three have taken care of family wealth historically 
  • John and Michael’s insight on generational leadership
  • The importance of being responsible with your wealth
  • And more!

Tune in to find out how family values, adaptation, and communication can influence the establishment of a multigenerational wealth vision! 

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (856) 988-8300 | John Parise | Michael Parise | Thomas J. Stanley’s The Millionaire Next Door | James Grubman’s Strangers In Paradise

Episode 48 – A Trip Around Italy Examining Wine – With Guest Tim O’Rourke

Episode 48 – A Trip Around Italy Examining Wine – With Guest Tim O’Rourke

On this leg of our Wine Adventure, we take a look at the Italian region! 

In this episode, John and Michael Parise sit down with Tim O’Rourke to identify the wines that come out of Italy, what sets these wines apart from the rest and how you can choose an Italian wine that pairs with your meal.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What wines come out of the different regions of Italy 
  • How you can find quality wines for quality prices 
  • Tools that you can use to find the wine you are looking for 
  • What you can do to find your wine preference  
  • What Italian wines pair with what meals
  • And more!

Tune in now to add some information to your knowledge on wine and how you can find one that suits you! 

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (856) 988-8300 | John Parise | Michael Parise 

Episode 47 – A Deep Dive into The French Wine Industry – With Guest Tim O’Rourke

Episode 47 – A Deep Dive into The French Wine Industry – With Guest Tim O’Rourke

France is one of the world’s largest producers of wine, and is the source of many grape varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc, and Pinot noir. 

In this episode, John and Michael Parise sit down with wine investor Tim O’Rourke to examine what sets France apart as a producer of wine and how wine can be a multi-generational business, as well as tips for wine collecting and storage. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How and where Cabernet Sauvignon was initially created 
  • Why winemaking is a “freelance” creation that depends on the winemaker 
  • Tim’s take on what determines the cost of wine bottles 
  • Winemaking as a multi-generational business
  • The importance of being “temperature consistent” when storing wines 
  • And more!

From France to the rest of the world, tune in to find out everything you need to know about the evolution of French wine and champagne! 

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (856) 988-8300 | John Parise | Michael Parise 

Episode 46 – Measuring Risk In A Family Wealth Plan

Episode 46 – Measuring Risk In A Family Wealth Plan

To what extent have you involved and taught your family about risk calculation? 

In this episode, John and Michael Parise explain the importance of communicating and involving your family in wealth plan risk calculation. They highlight the different risks you and your family should ALWAYS consider when it comes to generational wealth planning. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Must-have tax considerations when stepping out of the market 
  • How emotions can impact the amount of risk an individual is willing to take on
  • How Copper Beech Financial Group prepares clients for potential business risk 
  • The importance of communication when it comes to assessing family risk
  • And more!

Tune in as John and Michael dive deep into family risk assessment while explaining that the more you can preserve in taxes – the more your account value will grow! 

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (856) 988-8300 | John Parise | Michael Parise 

Episode 45 – The Financial and Emotional Components of Legacy Letters

Episode 45 – The Financial and Emotional Components of Legacy Letters

In many cases, legacy letters are the main vessel for transferring financial assets down the generational line. 

In this episode, John and Michael Parise explain the importance of elaborating and involving your family in legacy letters, and highlight the different considerations you should have when you’re prepared to craft your own.  

In this episode, you will learn:

  • John’s take on using legacy letters as a way to be remembered 
  • The difference between the communicational and emotional sides of legacy letters 
  • The difference between a mission statement and a legacy letter   
  • Tips for using legacy letters as tools to involve grandchildren 
  • The role of language in defining a trustee’s authority level 
  • And more!

Listen in as John and Michael define legacy letters as tools to communicate your wishes to future generations!  

Resources: Copper Beech Financial Group | (856) 988-8300 | John Parise | Michael PariseFamily Trusts Book